Displaying and Printing PDF Files


A large number of files on this web site are displayed in PDF format. 

These will be indicated by the following icon. 

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later to view or print this type of file..
Acrobat Reader is available free from Adobe's web site.
Click on the following banner to be taken to the Adobe web site.

Get Adobe Acrobat

To display PDF files in your browser window:

  1. Simply click the link or PDF icon.

  2. An Acrobat window will open in your browser window. You may view or print the file using the window toolbar buttons. 

  3. Watch out - A number of documents are presented in Landscape format. When printing, make sure you select landscape mode on these files.

To download PDF files to your computer for later printing and viewing:

  1. Simply right click the link or PDF icon and select the "Save Target as.." option.

  2. A Save window will open allowing you to save the file to your hard drive.

  3. Offline you may read and print the PDF file using the Acrobat Reader application.

  4. Watch out - Some of the documents are presented in Landscape format. When printing, make sure you select landscape mode on these files.